Saturday, 18 January 2014


Text: I Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, 
His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of 
Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light

You have no excuse whatsoever not to be committed to the service of the Almighty. You have no excuse not to belong to a local parish where you can join your faith with other believers to fellowship, break bread and praise God together. You truly do not have any excuse to assume that you have nothing to offer to the body of Christ, because everyone is called for different purposes. In Matthew 11:6, the bible says and blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. Thus, if you stop going to church or serving God to your maximum potentials because somebody somewhere in the church disappoint you or discourage you, then you need deliverance and you need to seek help. 

A lot of people today retire to televangelist churches, online discourse group, or moving from one prayer line to another instead of physical church. They wanted to fill the vacuum of belonging to an assembly just because somebody somewhere say something to them. You need to develop a different approach to your one line, single-minded decision. You are not helping yourself or your family, per adventure you are the head of your household. Majority of church haters today started well, but while they assumed they were serving God, they used the pastor, or anyone in the position of authority as their springboard. That is wrong, and I will still blame you for your erroneous stance, because JESUS, not John the Baptist, not Mary-the mother of our Lord was our model. Everyone should assume to be like Jesus, and nobody else. Man will surely fail you, as you move closer to them to see the tantrum they hide while in those church garments or going on that evangelism trip. 

Do not get me wrong. It is true that some pastors are spiritually challenged that they feel like someone is there to take over the parish from them. Even some individuals feel like they have undue advantage in a local parish over others because they have been there longer, or because they are anointed with olive oil while others have grape oil or oyster oil; whatever you want to call the oil. Some people even think that their affiliation to the head is a license to terrorize others in a local assembly. Regardless of any reason, once you are truly on the side of God, nothing shall dissuade you from finding a place to worship. A place where you need to unveil your naturally endowed talents to the glory of God. If you think starting a new parish by yourself is the answer, then remember the law of karma would catch up with you, then you should be informed as well that you will do something to others, and they would want to pick up their bag and baggages and leave your new church.

One of the things I want to remind you here is to know that God has a purpose for every life that He created. You were born to fulfill a purpose in life. You are never an accident in the history of creation. You are a product of divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God. The Almighty God does nothing arbitrarily. As an all Knowing God, in everything He does, He's known for a clear cut purpose. He's not like man who scrambles for answers. He knows where He's heading before He sets out on any course. Even for those people or things that we sometimes consider to be bad,  or evil or categorized as misfortune, there is a purpose they are permitted to exist in order to serve in the circle of life. In Acts 15:18, the bible said known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. everything

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You have no excuse to turn your back against God just because your society branded you as either handicap or someone living with disability. All these societal constructs are no impediment to giving glory to God, or going to the field of harvest where God Himself proclaimed that the laborers are few (Matt 9:37). The bible recorded that you don't need to be somebody in the eyes of the world to be useful in the vineyard of God. In I Cor 1:26-29, it was stated that God will choose the foolish who needs wisdom, the weak who needs strength, and the people that the world had counted to be nothing to make them somebody. So, I ask the question again, WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE NOT TO BE USEFUL IN GOD'S VINEYARD?  Isaiah 40:29 says He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength. There is a convincing caption that epitomizes everything and it states “God does not call the qualified, but he qualifies the called”

The little boy David was chosen as King to rule after King Saul in the place of his elder brothers. Who would have thought that the boy that the family considered to be too little and was asked to tender the flock was the reason the prophet was visiting the house of Jesse? Solomon, the son from the adulterous woman was chosen as king to reign after David out of his sons, and he went on record to be the wisest king ever lived. Even, he had the privilege of building God’s temple. Jeremiah, at a very young age when he did not know about the kingdom of God was cleansed by God to become a prophet. Unknown to him, God knows the purpose for his life. Today, several of us are running for the service of God because rather than seeking wisdom in God’s agenda for our lives, we are busy studying the philosophy of this world. Jephthah, the son of a harlot, who was once sent on an exile by his brothers for not worthy of the inheritance of their father became the commander of the army that led his nation to victory against the enemies. You have no excuse and I believe this submission will minister to you than your guts that is telling you that your decision of staying away form the vineyard is okay.

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