Sunday, 23 February 2014

PRAISE GOD ALWAYS—Life is Full of Surprises and Disappointments

Romans 1:21
They know God, but they do not give him the honor that belongs to him, nor do they thank him. Instead, their thoughts have become complete nonsense, and their empty minds are filled with darkness. Good News Translation (GNT)
                                                                                                     When life throws its curve ball at you, try to remain calm, cool and collected. In the above scripture, Paul shows that it is only right that we should give to our Maker the glory due Him and thank Him always regardless of the circumstances and situations that we face. The air we breathe is God’s good air—its gases mixed in just the right quantity to give life and not death. In the book of Acts 14:17, God has not left Himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; He provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy. So, why is it that at every point when our expectations differ from the reality, we begin to think, act or do otherwise?
Over time I've discovered there is no absolute finish line for everyone in the race of life. Our tracks are different and our durations are different. The only thing we have in common is the same empire. For instance, someone might graduate at age 20 and struggles for another 5years to get a job, but another might graduate at 25 and get a job immediately. One can marry a virgin and wait for the next decade to have the blessing of children, but another lady probably after having series of abortions in her past, becomes a mother almost immediately after marriage. A fellow becomes Managing Director at age 40 and dies 55, but another becomes Managing Director at age 57 and lives to 90. What a life!
That we exist and live at all is itself a wonderful gift. The truth is that we owe all that we are and have to our Maker! When we truly understand that, it is not hard to give to God the praise due to His name. It is not hard to give back in service to Him the life that He first gave to us. It is the right thing to do. But God did things that prove He is real; He does good things for you. He gives you rain from the sky. He gives you good harvests at the right times. He gives you plenty of food, and He fills your hearts with joy
Life itself is full of twists, turns, ups and downs and many more surprises and disappointments. Life offers each and everyone of us different opportunities, and once an opportunity is lost, it's gone forever except by the grace of God. It is up to each and everyone of us to patiently prepare, wait, recognize and utilize every opportunity. We learn on the way. No one has it all or knows it all. There is a reason why we all don't fall at the same time. It's so that when one is down, weak and discouraged, the other who is strong can encourage the person.
God never promises that the road would be easy, but he promised never to leave or forsake us. Although life is complicated, let us learn to go easy on ourselves and trust that God is working it all out for our good (even if it doesn't make sense now). Whatever trials, challenges or down times we face, all shall pass, and in due course, we will be up and strong again to lift up those who may be down around us. Our lives are far better in every way when we respect, worship and serve our Creator. Such service takes time and effort. Yet isn’t that time actually the time He is giving to us in the first place? “Our” time on earth can and will end some day. Since it is really His gift of time, we can afford to take time for Him. Believing in God goes beyond simply knowing facts about God. It leads us to praise God and to seek Him. Thus, learn to praise him daily in every of your situations. Tomorrow is not a given, we can only hope it comes

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